Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I Think I Want To Marry You

  Okay, so this may be one of many random blogs. As if my first one wasn't a bit on the random side of things. I came home from work this evening and I was shown a video of an epic flash mob proposal. Mind you, I am the first one to tell you to screw it, men are the epitome of evil. But that is simply basing my own crap experiences and placing it on the general population of dudes. Stories saved for a much later time, if you stick with me that far! 
  I don't know about guys, because they are creatures I find extremely difficult to understand. But, ladies? Raise your hands up and don't deny it, we all yearn for that fairy tale..some where along the way we are jaded and learn these are stories that simply don't exist in the real world. So disheartening when we realize. *sniffles* Some part of us clings to the idea though, somewhere in the back of our minds. I won't say ALL women feel this way, but I am most assuredly not alone in this thought process. So, yes...despite my horrid failure at romance/love..I hope to someday find someone to love me for me, to argue as passionately with me as they love me, as passionately as I can love them. Of course, I must find my own happiness first before I can share it..but ahh..what i wouldn't give for the epic proposal that brings tears to my eyes. To have someone to share so many tender moments with. 
  I know of one such epic fairy tale that was created in my days of role playing, which, if my creative juices truly get going I may turn into a short story that I can blog for you...and then I would invite you, dear reader(s) to let me know what you think. But, do me somewhat kind...this heart is still fragile.for so many different reasons! So..sweet dreams to all..and many happily ever afters..

1 comment:

  1. Good luck hun I hope you'll some day find the perfect man for you.
